On this page, the atomic data contained in the Atomic Line List can be downloaded in various formats. For each ion a separate file for the level and the line data will be available. For hydrogenic ions two data sets exist. Most lines in hydrogenic spectra are blends of multiple very closely spaced fine-structure components, provided the principal quantum number n changes in the transition. One data set contains the Δn > 0 transitions where the transition probabilities of the fine-structure components making up the blends are summed together. The second data set gives the individual fine-structure components for these lines, as well as the Δn = 0 transitions (which are never blended). In the internal AtLL format these two data sets are combined into one set of data files, while for other formats these two data sets are provided as two separate sets of two files. Note that the spacing between the fine-structure components increases in velocity space for more highly charged ions, so in the X-ray regime it may be possible to spectroscopically resolve the individual components with modern instruments. For non-hydrogenic ions, only one set of data files is offered. For these ions the wavelength difference between the individual components is usually much bigger and they can be resolved in observed spectra, so summing up lines is not warranted.
The current development of the atomic line list is described in van Hoof, P.A.M., 2018, Galaxies, 6, 63. Please consider citing this paper when you use any data from this page in a scientific publication.
The atomic data contained in the Atomic Line List can be downloaded in the internal AtLL format. This format has been specifically designed for the Atomic Line List and these files are an exact mirror of the data that are distributed through the web interface. For hydrogenic ions, the level files contain both the j-resolved and the average levels for each value of the principal quantum number n. The line files contain both the summed transitions between the averaged levels and the fine-structure components making up these summed transitions.
A tarball containing all the AtLL data files is available below. All files are organized in a single directory. The file extension identifies the spectrum, where the first two digits give the atomic number and the last two digits the ionization stage, e.g. 0201 for He II data. The files starting with plvl contain the level data, and the files starting with plin contain the line data.
You can unpack the tarball using the command:
tar xvfz atll.tar.gz
The atomic data contained in the Atomic Line List can also be downloaded in Stout format. This data format is set up to create model atoms for use in spectral synthesis codes. The files provided here are not necessarily a viable atomic model for the ion in question as they have not been tested to ascertain that fact. But they can of course (if necessary) be combined with other data sources to create such a model atom. Note that only lines for which transition probability data exist are included in the Stout files. Also the rules for including lines are somewhat more relaxed than for the internal data files. There is no restriction on the wavelength and the accuracy of the wavelength, and forbidden transitions involving levels that are not metastable are included. Also transitions between two levels both with uncertain energy are included (the line list allows one of the levels to have uncertain energy, but not both). For hydrogenic ions two sets of data files are offered, one for the summed Δn > 0 transitions and one for the fine-structure components and the Δn = 0 transitions. You can choose between the two data sets using the "fine structure lines" checkbox in the form below.
A tarball containing all the Stout data files is available below. The files are organized into separate directories for each element. The file names use a slightly modified spectroscopic notation, e.g., he_2 for He II. The files with an .nrg extension contain the level data, while the files with an .tp extension contain the transition probability data for each line.
You can unpack the tarball using the command:
tar xvfz stout.tar.gz
You can view individual data files using the form below.
Motivated requests for alternative download formats will be considered, provided that the format is documented well (preferably on-line). The format should also be general enough that the entire line list can be represented in that format (i.e., at the very least it should support non-LS coupled levels). Note that the CHIANTI format does not meet those criteria as it only supports LS coupled levels in their energy level files.